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it all starts with you

There are some days in life when we feel like we aren't worth it, eveything is going wrong with me, no one loves me some are dealing with heartbreak while some are dealing with not accepted by the society. When we feel like nothing is going right & at that time we start inclining towards Anxieties & depresssion At this stage some peoplelacks of sleep, they overthink, people start eating less while some starts eating more , they start taking themselves for granted & become harsh on themselves. Some cry & some become silent because they have so much deep inside that if anyone would hug them they will burst in tears. But you know what, Problems are the part of life. Life is never a smooth track it's all about ups & downjust like a rollercoaster ride full of fear & adventure. There is some solution to every problem, so instead of asking god why me? Just say try me & I'll pass this test of your's too. But at the end it all starts with you , Y

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